PCR test
The costs of a suspected case are covered by the health insurance. For everyone else it is a private service. This test is required, for example, for entry or exit.
We would like to expressly point out that we can ONLY carry out these tests by appointment. These are also carried out independently of the regular practice in the area of the back entrance. The costs on site are € 54, plus the costs from the laboratory (€ 85).
Rapid antigen test
With immediate effect, the costs will be covered by the health insurance companies in the event of a suspected case. Appointments can be made online, by email or by phone.
We ask for your understanding that in order to offer the greatest possible safety for all patients, we can ONLY carry out these tests by appointment and between 11: 30-12: 30. These are carried out in the area of the back entrance independently of the regular ordination operations.